Begin a foolish project.
Noah did.
Work With Me
If you want something different, someone who can help you create the kind of movement and change that comes through drive and delight, and meets your needs with creative and experienced advice, let’s talk.
Meeting Outcomes
Your meetings need to be a workhorse, driving outcomes with full participation. But a meeting isn't enough. What do you do afterwards? My expectation, whether your team is composed of three people or six thousand, is that they understand what they just did, they know what to do next, and why both are important.
Coaching the Person
Now you've got your organization focused and aligned, what about you? Are you as successful—and satisfied—as you want to be? There are times you need someone to go to, for counsel and advice, outside your organization. Your life, your lifestyle and your work—all gears that need to mesh well. Yesterday, development was a luxury. Today it's crucial.
Strategic Planning
A great plan is a great start. But planning is not doing. Doing is doing. And the secret to great doing, is great thinking. How an organization introduces, manages and makes that plan a reality is what defines success. Do you want an expensive binder that gathers dust on a shelf? Or do you want your people to "get it," knowing what it is, and what to do? Make your next planning process one that gets results.

An entertained mind is an open mind—because it shifts people's contexts. Getting attention is half the battle. Using magic, stories and even fire-eating, lifts the burden of forced change and replaces it with the gift of exploration. I believe in what Meister Eckhart advised, "Change through delight." I guarantee my work—if you're not delighted, pay nothing but my expenses. Here are a few of my most popular talks.
Four rules to a simple life
Do you ever find yourself running like crazy just to catch up, and thinking, "There must be a simpler way"? We live in challenging times, and the resulting lack of balance extracts a constant price on our physical and mental health. Here we ask the question, how do I make my life simpler? Inspired by remarkable stories and a model for understanding "right" living, we explore the path to take us through complexity to more of what you want. You'll learn ways to enhance the quality of your life—and how to return to a happier way of being.
Leaders change first
Are you drinking the water or the wave? They'll both stop your thirst, but one will kill you! The way change is introduced and managed critically influences commitment. Based on my book, Lightning in a Bottle: Proven Lessons in Leading Change, I focus on the essential strategies that leaders need to manage during these very tough times. Here you'll learn models for planning transition, recognizing and minimizing resistance, and monitoring the consequences of doing or not doing. It's about practical actions, and useful framings.

What They're Saying
“That guy’s got the stuff to him. I could tell.”
“David’s work was a spectacular success, beyond anything we could have hoped for. He has a unique ability to get everybody involved and feel heard. And he made the whole process easy, fun and very productive.”

“Whenever I reach a crossroad and I’m feeling uncertain of the best path, I call David. Through caring, trusting and insightful conversations, David helps me explore who I am, what I want my purpose to be and how my choices can reinforce my values. David helps me find moments of simplicity and clarity, which have been some of the most important revelations of my life.”